Thursday, November 5, 2009

Children are learning to use computers at a very early age.?

What are some effects (posite or negative) that computers can have on the intellectual development of children?

Children are learning to use computers at a very early age.?internet security

I think young children need to learn about computers because technology is an ever advancing area and i belive soon everything will revolve around technology and for a child not to know that would be bad.. i belive that it can help them learn also while hurting them if they get addicted to the computer or stare at it too long...

Children are learning to use computers at a very early age.?network security

they learn to look up stuff that interests them. If they are guided properly then they will be able to find anything that interests them and make a contrubution to the world. It is going to more and more computers in the world and if the kids of today do not learn computers then they will be behind the times and not be able to find work in the future.
because children do not have a good sorce of entertainment unlike football children are watching tv and playing on the computer
I think that because out culture is so dependent on computers and other technology, children need to learn the basics of computers at a fairly young age in order to function in out society.

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