Thursday, November 5, 2009

I need to connect two computers without using the internet?

I have a desktop and laptop. I want to access files on the desktop from the laptop and vice-versa. The desktop and laptop has wireless capability. I have purchased a wireless router.

I have conected the router to the desktop and ran network wizzard setting up workgroup, designating the sharing files. I have done the same on the laptop. Now when looking for workgroup on each of the computers, I get this message: (workgroup Name) not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network. What am I doing wrong?

I need to connect two computers without using the internet?antivirus software

i just set up my network with two computers and got the same error message. the router is connected to the internet in my case, but it sounds like you have the same problem. the router may have used a security key to dis-allow others from hacking into your wireless network. if so, you can get this key by accessing the router's menu through a web browser IP address given in your owner's manual. the menu there should give you an access key or the option to turn off the security. oh, make sure you do these steps on the computer you installed the router on.

I need to connect two computers without using the internet?computer virus

You might need to add the user name from the desktop or laptop to the other one and setup permissions in order to be able to access resources.
Actually, you do not need a router to connect just two computers. First try connecting without using a router.

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