I have two computers in my house - One upstairs in my bedroom and one downstairs which is the family PC. I want to create a network between the two mainly so I can quickly transfer files from one PC to the other rather than always having to tediously upload files and send them via E-Mail.
My question is this: I'm an avid gamer and I like to squeeze as much performance out in games as possible. Will creating a network between two PCs slow down a PC in any noticable way, particularly in gaming?
Will creating a network between 2 computers slown them down?computer security
it will not slow the computer down when you are not transferring things but when transferring things it will like copying some thing to one file to a next. if you decide that you want to share internet with both then it will slow the internet down, depending on how much band witdh you allow for each computer.
Will creating a network between 2 computers slown them down?free spyware remobal
The network will only work if you are both running windows. If you are playing a game that is not a windows game then your PC will not be available for transfer whilst you are playing. If the game is most new ones that run wholly in windows then it should work and you many see a little lag on Internet gaming especially if you Internet connection is via you network cable. If you are using USB for Internet access it should not be visible. Finally if you are thinking of networking and have not done it yet you should think about using a USB to USB network cable as they are easy to setup and use. have a look at this site for more information http://www.usbgear.com/link/usb_link_cab...
Hope this helps.
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