Tuesday, October 6, 2009

On my wireless network, 2 vista computers connect to the internet fine but the 3 XP systems don&#039

the vista computers connect, the xp ones don't connect to the internet, only local. I have setup the wireless connection properties identical. Obviously an xp issue, any ideas of a fix?

On my wireless network, 2 vista computers connect to the internet fine but the 3 XP systems don't.?antivirus downloads

First of all you'll need to see if XP can see the wireless network, if so, make sure that you have connected to them and made sure that you typed the password in correctly, if applicable. If you cannot see the network you will need to check to see if the network is broadcasting its SSID, if it isn't go ahead and turn it on and see if your computers can see it then, if that still doesn't work, you may have to move your computers in a direct line of sight of the wireless transmitter to see if the signal isn't getting to the computer itself. If you are using an Ad Hoc connection (a connection were all of the computers are connected to each other without a wireless router) you will need to install LLTP (line to line tethered protocal) on the xp computers, so that they will be able to see the network that vista is creating.

On my wireless network, 2 vista computers connect to the internet fine but the 3 XP systems don't.?cafe racer

First configure your Access point such as, check whether it is DHCP Enabled, check for SSID %26 also check whether you have provided Network Key.

If your Access points doesn't supports dynamic addressing configure Gateway %26 DNS Manually.

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