Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Advice about starting own business refurbishing computers Please.?

I have done this on small scale for friends of friends and want to know how to get hold of ex office computers in bulk? Do council, libraies etc give to small firm? What do I put in a letter?

Advice about starting own business refurbishing computers Please.?antispyware

this will be profitable/nonprofitable depending on how many are in the business in your area.

business will likely want you to put ina bid on their old computers, to compete with other companies. Some jsut send their straight to an auction, the downside to that is i think you rarely get to see whats in the pallet before you buy it. could be a buttload of PII 450's

Advice about starting own business refurbishing computers Please.?best antivirus software

I work in a similar field and most of the companies that used to sell refurbished computers are moving away from it now because there are just too many people doing it making it a less profitable business. The same can be said about refurbished laptops. I have been lucky as my business is a repair company, specialising in laptop repairs. There aren't too many companies in the same field as me but I am well aware that I will lose that competetive edge as more and more laptop technicians will do the same as I have.
good friend of mine does well - his web is www.pc-aid.co.uk
get in contact with local secondary schools, office's and small businesses, its a right chuff to get rid of things if your in a school, i know i work as a IT Tech in a sheffield school.

You can even get away with charging a small amount per item to come collect them
Because of regulations about disposing of various equipment, including computers there's quite a business to be made collecting them, let alone refurbishing them.

I would suggest you contact a few local offices offering to collect old computers for free and they'll be glad to let you have them.

Might even be worth stating in a letter that all data would be removed and offer to give them a certificate assuring them you've done it.

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