Saturday, June 19, 2010

Why do pros use apple computers?

I was just wondering when ever you watch tv shows about movies, or photos they all use Apple computers. Why is that?

Why do pros use apple computers?nortan

It's called product placement

Why do pros use apple computers?noton


Macs used to have the best graphics and music software about 20 years ago, this is no longer true but a lot of people think it is. As a result anyone who thinks they are arty (like TV people) tend to use Macs. These days anything you can do on a Mac can be done just as well on a PC.

Special effects and animated films are usually rendered on large clusters of PCs even if they were originally designed on Macs. Why? Because its a lot cheaper than building a large cluster of Macs.
A lot of it is advertising for Mac, which is designed for high-end graphics. Advertising agencies use them a lot because that is what Macs are made for. Movies usually advertise a certain product, like the Ford Mustang in many of the older movies with chase scenes.
Because they are the best!! They have a lot of programs you'd need installed automatically, but also, the apple has the most innovative design, operating system, and seamless communication between your devices or other computers, no viruses, and most of the stuff you'll do on there (like movies and photos) is a lot cooler and easier than on a PC. Mac's are the best...hands down.
Even though I am an Apple fan, I must say that i agree with the two other answers and say it is all about marketing my friend.

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