I've got 2 computers, a desktop and a laptop. I now only use the laptop. My ipod is currently synched to the desktop PC and that is where I have all my mp3 and aac files. What I want to do is have all the mp3's etc on my laptop. Do I have to rip all my cds to the laptop or is there a way of connecting the ipod to my laptop and transferring them that way.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Ipod - using on 2 different computers?norten
If you want to get the songs off of your iPod %26 put them on your other computer, you can use a free program called Sharepod http://www.sturm.net.nz/website.php?Sect...
or you can get software like iGadget or Anapod Manager. Sharepod is free %26 will do the job easily on a PC but if you have a MAC you'd need to get Podworks http://www.scifihifi.com/podworks/
Ipod - using on 2 different computers?panda
There must be a cable to connect the ipod to the pc (laptop). Do a search on Yahoo or Google to find a place that does one within your budget. Don't go to Apple, they'll rip you off something cronic!
Don't know where you are, but there's an apple shop in Peterborough (if that's any help), or maybe a town/city near you.
Alternatively, you could transfer them by flash drive!
The iPod should automatically sync your laptop the same way your desktop syncs the iPod.
no, you can't just copy the songs from your ipod to your laptop.
you could move the whole library to an external hard drive, and then connect the drive to the laptop to copy it that way,
otherwise, yes you have to burn cds.
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