Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Where can I buy MS-DOS Computers?

Where can I buy MS-DOS Computers and their accessories?

Where can I buy MS-DOS Computers?antivirus scan

20 years ago.

Where can I buy MS-DOS Computers?computer security

What version of DOS do you need? Just get a small hard drive about 500mb and install DOS on it. Beware dos can only see 640K of memory set up your autoexec.bat and config.sys your ready to go.It will not detect your cd roms you will have to install a device driver mscdex.exe in the config.sys this will give you access to you cd rom no DVD's you can load most of your device drivers into hi memory you will have to install a device driver called himem.sys into the config.sys. I have forgot a lot of this stuff. One of those p2p sites should have several version of dos you can download.

Try Caldera Dos (Dr DOS),(Open DOS) It is a free download.
ebay most likely. What exactly are you looking for?
I guess the only place is eBay, there is no other place where you can get outdated machines.
dUDE crawl back into the cave you been living in. You don't buy DOS. But if you like I have some DOS 6.22 disks I'll sell you. Why would you want DOS machines?
You dont have to buy a computer to get DOS. You just have to install it to a computer. Also, if you cant find MS-DOS, I've heard of a program called FreeDOS, which I would assume you could download somewhere.
DosBOX.com, this is a free dos emulator for pcs or macs or linux or anything. I use it for old games. It is fairly easy to use and you can download shells to make it point and click. Failing that, eBay.

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