Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My auto-run CD does not work on all computers... What to do?

It's like the computer does not know what's on the disc.

No way of opening the files manually or through the auto-run that should run.

On other computers it works perfectly.

My auto-run CD does not work on all computers... What to do?norton internet security

Autorun is a feature that can be turned on and off, it is probably off on the systems that dont run it.

1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit in the Open box, and then press ENTER.

2. Locate and click the following registry key:


3. To disable automatically running CD-ROMs, change the Autorun value to 0 (zero). To enable automatically running CD-ROMs, change the Autorun value to 1.

4. Restart your computer.

Also, of course you must have admin priveledges.

P.S. Am I familiar with this particular autorun.inf?

My auto-run CD does not work on all computers... What to do?spyware remove

Try another program.
Where are you trying this auto run CD? Some places such as businesses and school often have auto run disabled.

Are you sure there is no way to explore the disc and run it from an icon in there?
Follow the information on the following page and, hopefully, that will help you.
could be the type of cd. i have certain cd's i burned that wont work in certain players.
dont lose face, buy a new one
your disk may have a weak burn or may be scratched/damaged slightly. Some optical drives will read these kinds of disks, others will not. Depends on the quality and sensativity of the laser pickup for that computers CD drive.

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