Sunday, September 20, 2009

I need an ethical dilemma related to computing or the use of computers?

I need to write an essay about an ethical dilemma relating to computers or the use of computers. I'm doing computer science at uni so this essay is for that. Please help me come up with dilemmas as I'm struggling to come up with a suitable dilemma.

I need an ethical dilemma related to computing or the use of computers?antivirus downloads

On the job monitoring, after all spywares come from that so there is got to be some good dilemma coming from it too for writing an essay.

I need an ethical dilemma related to computing or the use of computers?cafe racer

How about the illegal dissemination of copyrighted material by so-called fans of said material. "Fans" seem to think they own whatever they are fixated with, and scans and files that are technically illegal proliferate and are exchange regularly. If one can obtain scans/files of comic strips, cartoons, movies, television programs, foreign television programs, songs, music videos, pornography, very new comic books, and the rest of the ephemera of popular culture, without paying a cent, the greatest curse that could befall the creator of an intellectual property would be to have that property become the object of high school or university aged "fans."

Certainly there is an ethical question involved.
Freedom of information vs copyright of information
Oh I know. The government monitoring what websites people go to. Maybe music downloading.

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